Here is a snippet that will enable you to show a short intro (excerpt) of the WordPress author bio of a post and not the complete bio. With this snippet you can make an excerpt of the author bio, with a link to the author page, where you can see the full bio.
Add this code to your functions.php
function author_excerpt (){
$word_limit = 20;
$more_txt = 'read more about:';
$txt_end = '...';
$authorName = get_the_author();
$authorUrl = get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta('ID'));
$authorDescription = explode(" ", get_the_author_meta('description'));
$displayAuthorPageLink = count($authorDescription) > $word_limit ? $txt_end.' '.$more_txt.' <a href="'.$authorUrl.'">'.$authorName.'</a>' : '' ;
$authorDescriptionShort = array_slice($authorDescription, 0, ($word_limit));
return (implode($authorDescriptionShort, ' ')).$displayAuthorPageLink;
Add this code to your post template file where you want to show the author bio excerpt.
<?php echo author_excerpt(); ?>